The Innovation Blog
Insights for Chief Innovation Officers, Product Leaders, Innovators

A Startup Ecosystem Driven By Unemployed People
Imagine a platform where unemployed people can safely collaborate and experiment with concepts and ideas: ‘virtual startups’ powered by the workforce of unemployed people.

Fake News and Misinformation: How digital tech can help
A global, immutable registry of labeled ‘fake news’ as the basis of a universal solution to the problem — on top of news organizations, social media, and search engines. By utilizing technologies such as Blockchain, IPFS, NLP the platform empowers a global network of evaluators to continuously fact-check and label a representative random sample of the fresh global content we produce and share.

Open Innovation & Ideation Powered by Blockchain
A chain of ideas ‘written in stone’ on blockchain — in the context of Open Innovation. A global platform for publishing ideas, empowering collaboration, and contribution.