Products and features are often described in endless decks and documents; or half-sentences living in an excel or a ‘backlog’. Use this tool to capture all the essential aspects of an early product concept.

This fillable form is organized into six sections that help product managers and innovators capture and describe new product concepts with clarity.

The ‘Context’ section prompts the user to provide a meaningful title for the concept and briefly describe ‘the situation’ - the problem, the key players in the market, and the conditions under which the product concept makes sense.

The next section focuses on identifying the users, roles and personas, and the associated needs. Use this section to identify those ones who are expected to benefit from this product. The form also allows a listing of the top five Epic user stories, summarizing the needs of the identified users.

The ‘Form Factors’ section prompts for the description of the envisioned product - how it would look like. The ‘Strategy’ section allows the innovator to present a summary of the implementation strategy, along with market launch and growth plans. The innovator may also describe the apparent involved technology e.g. a mobile app, Virtual or Augmented Reality.

The ‘Monetization and Growth’ section focuses on the value and growth hypothesis and also on the model that will generate revenues. The section allows the user to state the key assumptions.

Finally, there is a section for ‘open questions’ - this allows the innovator to list all the major, unanswered questions and trigger further discussions and collaboration.

Check also the Innovator's Toolkit and our unique Innovation Advisory Services

An interactive template to help you define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Use this form as a guide helping you to define a more mature idea – a product concept. This is more than just a ‘business idea’, you are expected to describe personas, and features as Epic user stories along with elements of strategy, monetization, and growth drivers. 

From a concept to an MVP faster