The Innovation Blog
Insights for Chief Innovation Officers, Product Leaders, Innovators

What Makes a Company Innovative?
Being an innovative company is not about using the latest technology or cool project management techniques or even driving the design trends. It's not even about the ability to change quickly or bring new offerings to market quickly.

We asked 60 world-class leaders 22 tough questions on Innovation.
An amazing collection of thoughts on the topic of corporate innovation, from 60 Leaders — Chief Innovation Officers, CxOs, academics, technologists, innovation experts, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and start-up founders — across industries and geographies.

Digital Transformation, Explained.
Digital Transformation – What is it all about? Erik Schumb, founder & CXO, Agile Sprints and one of the '60 Leaders on Innovation' shares his insights.

The Innovation Culture Defined: What it is and How to Develop it
What are the ingredients of a succesful innovation culture? How it is defined and what are the steps that an organization needs to take to ‘get there’ – to establish a good culture and trigger its organic growth?

How (and why) to boost your corporate innovation process in times of crisis
How and why to accelerate innovation in times of crisis: I recently had the pleasure to speak to Really Good Innovation in their first online innovation summit, where I shared my thoughts on ‘innovation in times of crisis’. In this blog post, I am presenting the summary points — and the actual deck as presented in the Innovation Summit.